New Kid On The Block?

by Ed Meyer

posted on September 9, 2009 in General Discussion | No Comments >>

I like to see young riders get a chance to bring their game to the next level. I am not stuck on any one favorite rider, and I find myself a better handicapper for this move. But that aside, bring on the new guys and gals. They can offer great value when they score, and when they hit a big circuit it can be that much sweeter.

Fast forward to Newmarket, England. There will be a 19-year-old rider coming to the saddle to ply his trade. He will be riding for Sir Mark Prescott for a two-month-session.

Kosei Miura has ridden 156 winners is a short span career. He is off to the races, and now brings his game to a higher level.

He is a bit of a star in his home country of Japan. He is followed by cameras and T.V shows, as he has drawn a bead on Yutaka Take’s long standing record of 91 wins in a season, after first getting his license.

This is what the game needs. There are many great riders who head to England to ride, as the seasons are not as long, and they can ride at a bit higher weight, giving them more strength. This young man has a leg up riding at a lower weight, and to continue his string of victories will be a task.

So, keep your fingers crossed for this young man. Wait until he sees the undulating courses and sweeping turns first hand. This is not a make or break for his career, and he only stands to benefit from the experience. Just ask Yutaka Take when he came to the states. It was not as easy, and made him a better rider overall…