Removing The Clutter

by Ed Meyer

posted on June 18, 2010 in General Discussion | No Comments >>

I was reading a great article about “Money” in the ESPN article. It spoke about some great angles, but may have overlooked the “eliminator” for handicapping.

Every player cannot go to the track daily, and does not have the time to go back and watch every race. This is where CERTAIN types of data prove useful. Some are pumped out in mass, and 72 hours early is a bit on the short side for taking all of the facts in. Scratch that one… Some give you 1-2-3 selections at every track and bet only those, or you are a loser. Scratcheroooo. I like the data that gives a player helpful advice to better arm themselves. One that shows handy hints, uncovers troubled races, and allows players to eliminate and start putting together the form of the race.

In the article, I agreed with many parts. It was well-written, and insightful… But for the average weekend warrior who gets to play Friday – Sunday, I think you need some helpful assistance. Think of it like an office secretary. One who weeds through your day, and removes the clutter so you can be more effective.

I like the thoughts about blackjack, and card counting… I feel just as the author, that racing is a thinking gamble. One where you prepare, and give it your best. I just feel that some data can remove clutter. This does not give a pass to all forms of daily chatter, but when you find the right formula, you can be successful. WinningPonies has been proven. It has allowed me to play multiple tracks with spot plays. There are many opportunities that I would have missed if I wasn’t aware of some uncovered nuggets along my trek.

Good luck, and have a great weekend. Be sure to take a hard look at Paddy O’ Prado at Colonial, and if you get 9-5, you may consider that to be an early Christmas present…..

Have a great weekend from WinningPonies!