Archive for February, 2013

Is It Your Day?

by Ed Meyer

posted on February 6, 2013 in Blogroll, General Discussion, Horse Racing, Uncategorized, | 3 Comments >>

For years, gamblers from all walks have been on the eternal quest to get rid of bad mojo. Some ride out the storm and others have a “special formula” for getting past the ugly. But after much thought and watching players go trial-and-error, here are a few gamblers that come to mind. Grandpa was a plumber […]

Groundhog Day

Gamblers can be superstitious. They need their lucky shirt, or that 60-year-old buckeye they carry in their pocket. I have watched players from all walks listen to TV talking heads about the upcoming race, and tip sheets have been printed as long as paper has been around. Yep, we always look for the edge. Here […]