Bridge Jumper

by Ed Meyer

posted on August 25, 2010 in Educational Articles, General Discussion | 5 Comments >>

Bridge JumpersEvery track has them once in a while. This is where a player bets a HUGE amount of dough on a very big favorite. The ones that go off 1-9, and have to pay a minimum of $2.10 to show….. If you can get a nickle on a dollar from the bank, you better go get in line…… At the track, we like to see wagers, but among the players they are known as Bridge Jumpers. If that $20,000 goes down, the line on the bridge could get awfully crowded.

At River Downs, a big time owner with deep pockets by the name of Billy Hays is ITM 71% of the time. His runners are almost always the chalksters. He gets them from California, and he wins like it is going out of style. Perry Outzs is his go-to rider, and Mr. 5,000 will be sure to make it t0 6,000 in the next year if this trend continues.

We have been seeing so many HUGE show wagers it is incredible. How about $3,200 in the win pool, and $50,000 in the show pool?  There have been a few occasions that the show pool is closed. The tracks that take that bet run the risk of having a minus show pool. This is where you payout more money than you take in…The host track, or River Downs in this case, is not the place. The 90% of our outside wagers have been coming from other sources. So, we do not take the hit…. They do for taking the wager.

5%….. A nickle on a buck…. If you go to First Federal and get 1-1/2 %, you are lucky… Now, a 6 horse field jumps up, and you get a 5% break…. If you wager the $50,000, you get back $52,500. A profit of $2,500.. Not bad for a 1:13 worth of sweating bullets…..