Winner, Winner….

by Ed Meyer

posted on October 7, 2009 in General Discussion, | No Comments >>

A few days ago, I read a great story by Jay Cronley from ESPN. It talked about all the ways of how not to lose. I loved the article, and told many friends to get a read of this. Only after, did I rethink a couple of my own that not only would remedy losing, but focus on winning.

I have heard every tout in the world. That is part of working at the track. I love the secret keepers, and after the fact, they talk about how close they came. If this was true, wouldn’t you keep it to yourself? I also thought long and hard about data services. It was at this time that I recalled my first encounter with WinningPonies.

I am a solid handicapper, just like you are…. I have had great days and bad runs. But, the overall fact that I have learned is that when you come across a consistent formula that works, why change?

You cannot be everywhere at once. No matter how well you cap, you will miss opportunities. This is where you need to depend on a computer based program that takes in all of the factors. It handicaps, and has the ability to change up if the game changes. Now, that is power. I have read and seen every type of data on the market. I am friends with the people who create programs. They all keep the secret sauce recipe hidden, no matter how close you are. I understand, and realize it is only business.

The part that attracted me to W/P was the open nature of the site. It actually asked you to check out their history. Check out the data, and see how it can go to work for you. This led me back to the story that I read, and I only have one point on which I disagree. I have found solid material. The kind of data that takes my game to the next level. It allows me to focus on other aspects such as money management. No matter how many moves you make, you still need to control your destiny. The ability to refer back to a reliable source gives me more time to plan my money moves.

Overall, the story was great. I loved it!  It makes me think of  “Harry the Hat” or “Benny the Bruiser.”  I love the cheesy sites that promise to run every card every day. They focus on info 48 to 72 hours in advance. The article was right.  If you could pick winners, you would do it yourself. The others just tout and take money. We play….. If you notice the info does not come out 48 hours in advance, it is because we want to get all of the latest info to make precise predictions for you.

It has been going on two years, that I have been part of the W/P team… My spot plays are accurate, and have a better handle on my bankroll. I always ask that you check out the site. I think it is your decision, but after seeing, I feel you will be a believer. I know, I have been doing so for two years and plan to keep my course.