The New Ways

by Ed Meyer

posted on May 24, 2010 in General Discussion | No Comments >>

The other day I wrote about a new day in racing. I have been watching and wagering at Monmouth, and I have heard the crowds doing the same. How can everybody be wrong?

The attendance and handle are as follows for 2009 versus 2010:

Handle – 2009 / $664,930  – 2010 / $1,325,727

Attendance – 2009 / 10,292  – 2010 / 17,903

Now, this is only the beginning. Just offer fewer races with higher purses. The fields will be full, and the handle will be strong. The big handle brings biggie barns, and the best jockeys come to ride. What more do you need to know?

The great experiment will allow racing to market, and plan for the future. For the first time in decades, we have a hope.. The best part is that the word VLT is not attached.. This was two years in the making, by getting the horsemen to go along with the idea. Just when we thought years ago that having a full compliment of races was the answer. We do an about face, and less is more.

Churchill Downs is having night races, Monmouth is running shorter meets, and cats and dogs are sleeping together. What has the world come to? I’ll tell you.. It has come to it’s senses and there is no need to have a million dates. We can have plenty of action, and if we only have a watchdog that polices our sport for integrity and keeps us clean, I think we have a chance. I stood in the sun today, and went back and forth between the simulcast and live product. Things are taking baby steps towards the light. Just give it time, and be sure to support the new ways. The old trends just didn’t fit anymore. It is kinda’like that “Members Only” jacket in the back of your closet.

Just give racing a chance. Monmouth has shown us that we can do it if we try.  Just give it time, and be open to new ideas.  So far, so good..